Minnesota History Magazine Spring 2019 (66:5)
Minnesota History Magazine Spring 2019 (66:5)
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Out of Silence: FREE, Minnesota’s First Gay Rights Organization
Bruce Johansen
The Stonewall uprising of June 1969, the key event of the LGBYQ rights movement, has overshadowed other milestones, including one in Minnesota. Before Stonewall there was FREE (Fight Repression of Erotic Expression), Minnesota’s first gay organization.
Homecroft City: The “Duluth Idea” in the Progressive Conservation Movement
Eric Boime
Throughout the 1910s, Duluth was ground-zero of homecrofting, a national food self-sufficiency movement proffered by Progressive reformers as an antidote to urban ills. George Maxwell, perhaps the most consequential lobbyist in the history of the American West, and founder of the American Homecroft Society, was so impressed with Duluth’s efforts he moved its headquarters there from Chicago in 1911.
From the Archives
The Presidency or Nothing: Cushman K. Davis and the Campaign of 1896
Kent Kreuter and Gretchen Kreuter
A single speech condemning the labor strife of 1894 launched Minnesota senator Cushman K. Davis into the national limelight and a bid for the 1896 Republican nomination for president.
First in an occasional series spotlighting captivating and relevant scholarship from back issues of Minnesota History.
Editor’s Notes/Masthead
Laura Weber
Curator’s Choice
“I’m 31, and I Believe Headed for the Top”: Louis L’Amour Letter
Duane Swanson
A Cherubic Crook
Jack El-Hai
Lenora Methodist Church, Lenora (Fillmore County)
Amy Jo Hahn
Book Reviews
Wild Mares: My Lesbian Back-to-the-Land Life, by Dianna Hunter
Review by Lizzie Ehrenhalt
The Great War Comes to Wisconsin: Sacrifice, Patriotism, and Free Speech in a Time of Crisis by Richard L. Pifer with Marjorie Hannon Pifer
Review by Greg Gaut
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Laura Billings Coleman