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State School for the Blind and Deaf Records Request

State School for the Blind and Deaf Records Request

Records of Faribault State Hospital patients need to be ordered via our State Hospital Records Request service (click here to go to that form).

Restrictions on access: 

Student records contain private information and are restricted for 90 years from the date of the last entry in the record or file. Under specific circumstances, information in the files may be subject to longer and more strict restrictions.

Please note: Information in files can stretch well beyond the term of schooling and privacy rules apply to any 3rd parties as well as the main subject. 

Note for requesting copies of your own student records:

After you've completed this online order and submitted payment, library staff will email you an application form to complete. Along with this form you'll also need to include a clear copy of a government issued photo ID (such as a passport or driver's license).

The application will be sent to you within three business days. If you have any questions about this process, please email us at or call the library at 651-259-3300.

For this research service, Library Staff will search for one student in the records of either the Faribault School for the Deaf/Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf or the Faribault School for the Blind/Minnesota State Academy for the Blind.

This service can be used to order your own student records.

Records Requests may take 60 business days or more to complete.

$5 for digital scans of your own student records.

$10 for up to three physical copies stamped with an official Minnesota State Archives citation and mailed to you and/or another recipient. (For School of the Deaf: this includes school transcript and audiological assessment). We'll also send a digital copy of the records to your email address.

$10 for student records that are not your own (for genealogical or historical research purposes). Please see the note about restrictions on access below.

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About this Research Service:

Faribault School for the Deaf / Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf:
These files may contain hearing and physical examination reports, interview notes, psychological reports, academic progress sheets, photographs, public school records, and correspondence with parents, school districts, and county and state welfare bodies.

Before the 1950s, the files are quite thin; many contain only the hearing examination reports. Beginning with the 1950s, the files increase in size and each may contain most of the materials listed above.

Faribault School for the Blind / Minnesota State Academy for the Blind: 
Individual student files may contain optical and physical examination reports, interview notes, psychological reports, academic progress sheets, photographs, public school records, and correspondence with parents, school districts, and county and state welfare bodies.

Before the 1950s, the files are quite thin; many contain only the optical examination reports. Beginning with the 1950s, the files increase in size and each may contain most of the materials listed above.

Adults were frequently admitted as students, especially for manual training and life skills development classes. At least some of those files are included in these records.

Restrictions on access: Student records contain private information and are restricted for 90 years from the date of the last entry in the record or file. Under specific circumstances, information in the files may be subject to longer and more strict restrictions. Please note: Information in files can stretch well beyond the term of schooling and privacy rules apply to any 3rd parties as well as the main subject. 

Questions? Email:

Mail: MNHS Library, attn: School for the Blind/Deaf Record Request, 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102 

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